Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My day on the South Side: Part - 2


I think we can all agree that the national media embellishes the hell out of everything.  Its non stop, in your face and jammed down your throat politics, sports, holidays, and for some FUCKED up reason the Kardashians.  So, as someone who grew up in Waterville Maine, my mental image of Chicago's South Side was what I had seen on the news and on History Channels every other episode of Gangland.  Obviously I was not gonna be in Waterville Maine, but I knew enough about Chicago to know that not ALL area's of the  south side were a fucking "war zone".  I just blindly assumed there was no way my employers would put me in a Dangerous situation.  Looking back on that moment I can say with 100% confidence that my "Street Smarts"   failed to make an appearance.  

I walked out of the office building.  It was crisp fall day and the sun was beaming but it was cool enough that I was not pouring sweat in my suit and tie.  I had never had a job that required me to wear a suit.  Usually all I needed was a nice pair of pants and a shirt that was "provided."  I made my way to the train station with a few other fellow employee's that also relied on public transportation to take them to their territory or "T's" as they so brodudelessly put it.  They were all wondering where I would be heading.  I will never forget the looks of "Holy Fuck", "Son of a Bitch" and "Good fucking luck" that came across their faces when I showed them my T(erritory).

We all piled into the train and headed towards our destinations.  The ride was long.  Not only was I heading to a shady section of town, but the thoughts of a new sales job in a new city with huge income potential were echoing through my head the whole time... I knew it was going to be tough, but I also knew I had to stick with it.  I had to validate moving to Chicago.. NO pressure right?  Finally after about 30 minutes I arrived at my destination.  I got off the train and walked down to street level.  The sun was still burning and it had warmed up.  There wasn't a fucking cloud in the sky and at first glance the area did not look half bad.  "This looks alright.." I thought, and dug out my map to find a good starting point.  After settling on a location I folded up my map, boated up my Tablet and made my way to my first business.  

On this day I would learn just how quickly the city of Chicago can change just by simply crossing a street.  After coming to my first intersection, I crossed the street and took a left to head down to my starting point.  It was not to long after I had made this change in direction when I came across a man sitting on a slab of cardboard in one of the ally's.  At first glance it was clear that he was someone who did not have a place to call home.  His clothes were musty, he did not have any shoes and the few belongings he had were in a worn out trash bag that he clutched to his side.  I also noticed the way he was starting at me, dead in the eyes, looking right into my soul like he was the fucking Southern Oracle from the Never Ending story.  It was enough to make me stop dead in my tracks and look back at him with my best "Can I help you?" expression.  He finally spoke.  

"Ohhhh...White boy.. Be safe White boy...Be safe man.  If I were you I'd turn the fuck around and walk away"  

It was around this time I became a little concerned.  Here was a man who had nothing but a trash bag full of clothes and a piece of cardboard and yet... his biggest concern was my safety.  I did my best to shake it off.  That's the advice he followed and he ended up homeless!  Wait... why is there another guy across the street yelling at me?

To be continued.....        


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