I was a fat mess of a man that had never known the touch of a woman and decided to do something about it.
All caught up? GREAT
What started it all was the summer of 2008. Some friends and I filmed an independent feature film. It was an experience I will never forget for as long as I live. Every weekend of that summer from May to September was spent doing take after take to get it right. Getting up at 6am to go shoot for 12 hours in the hot sun day after day can get a little grueling.
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Fuck this... I'm jumping off this fucking boat and swimming to shore. |
As hard as it was, it was a rewarding. There are worst ways to spend your time than with a bunch of your closest friends making something that will live on forever, and in the process, I ended up losing 20lbs. For some reason I decided.. FUCK IT.. might as well keep going.
I decided the best way to build on that momentum and get myself looking like a presentable member of society was to start working out. Nothing major, just three times a week for an hour or so. The biggest mistake I had made in the past was trying to do to much. Setting goals that were a pain in the ass to reach. One year I actually bet my brother 50$ I could lose 50lbs in a year. Pretty reasonable right? The only problem was I was much better at sitting on my ass and doing nothing than I was I getting in shape and saving myself 50$.
This time I would take baby steps. No goals, no stupid fad diets, just get myself feeling physically better. The best thing about a gym is they are made for people of all fitness levels. Sure they have machines for beefcake dudes that walk around like their ribs are broken but they also have machines for big dudes to get on for 30 minutes or so and not destroy all the cartilage in their knees.
The more I went, the more I liked it. 3 days a week became 4 days a week became 5 days a week and the more I exercised, the more I realized I was making healthier choices. Convenience stores that once thrived on my whoopie pie purchases found themselves struggling to pay their bills.
I also began to realize something else... the opposite sex was beginning to take notice.
That was a good day to talk about some tennis.